Made in Denmark

We will soon be announcing our new brand: Wellington Natural Care. Skin care made in Denmark.

Eco friendly packaging

Our Company Wellington Natural care, we choose to use recycled packaging for all of our products. We produce our natural and organic beauty products, to be healthy and green in everyday life. We always create our products in the most sustainable and ethical way possible. When it comes to plastic, we opt for 75% to 100% recycled PET plastic, which (unlike PVC) is fully recyclable and if it is put into landfill, it doesn't leach any chemicals into the soil. Every piece of card and paper we use (from packaging to marketing materials) is FSC (Forest Sustainability Certified) to help limit deforestation and ensure forests are sustainably managed. We only work with other Brands, that takes responsibility for at better planet while producing Natural & Organic skin care.

Allergy skin friendly

We choose to use natural and Organic ingrediens. We buy our ingredients close to home as possible, and from Fair Trade and sustainable sources. We want you to be Kind to your skin and In Balanced using products from our collection thats free from harmfull ingredients.

Natural ingredients

What means natural and is it safe - Who doesn’t want their skincare, and their skin, to be clean and free of toxins and impurities that might irritate it? WE DO. We also want to give you knowledge about the Ingrediens we use, what they are , what they do and where they come from. We make sure our products does not contain perfume and we avoid all chemicals named on the Eu’s 26 allergenic fragrances List. We believe you should do the same - Together with us.

Vores mission

Vi har en passion for vores nye brand- og butikskoncept naturlige og organiske kosmetik, der tager sig af vores hud og vores planet. Vi vil være blandt ren skønhedskosmetik, så du kan føle dig sikker og vælge de perfekte produkter til din hudtype.

Helt fra starten, da vi startede dette projekt, er vi meget overbeviste om – at vi skal tage handlinger for en renere verden. Vi besluttede derfor kun at bruge emballage, der er genanvendelig og alt bæredygtig. Vi følger industrien meget tæt, så når der nogensinde er en ny og bedre emballage på markedet, vil vi tilpasse den til vores virksomhed og til vores kunder på en måde, der matcher vores behov.

Vores vision

Hovedmålet er at flette ideen om naturlige, organiske hudplejeprodukter med høje farmaceutiske standarder kun ved brug af naturens egne ingredienser.

Vores rene hudpleje er ren og enkel lavet til vores kunder, der også tror på hudpleje, der er gjort sikkert og for at være blid og nærende mod din hud.

Vi bruger kun ingredienser, der har en ægte funktion for din hud og for de kombinerede produkter. Intet andet eller kemikalier er tilføjet.

Vores motto er

Less is Better